Wow!!!! Did we have a great weekend! On Saturday we planned to go to Hatcher Pass (about 20 minutes from our house) for a Winter Trails activity. (More about that on the next post). We left home at 9:00 am. It was starting to get light and we could tell that the sun was going to shine on this day. That itself is a change, since it has been cloudy most of the time. We were driving up the road in the Talkeetna mountains when we saw three moose. It was a cow and her two calves. They were feeding RIGHT beside the road. We stopped to watch and the two calves crossed the road in front of us to feed on the other side. This time of year, moose eat trees and they were all content to just keep munching as we watched. Other cars went by too, but they didn’t react to the passing cars at all. Mother moose was not too amused as she crossed the road though. She had her ears laid back and they were still that way as she continued to eat on our side of the road with her calves. Once again, we got too excited to get really good pictures. The cameras aren’t too sure what to do when it is just beginning to get daylight. We sat about ten minutes and watched them.
P.S. Doug saw moose tracks at the bottom of our driveway again today. I am just SURE that one of these days I am going to walk out to put the trash in the bin and there she will be!!!!