Wednesday, July 25, 2007

July 10-20

July 10- 20

One of the projects that has kept us busy is helping a friend put up a play structure for her kids. The structure was like on large jigsaw puzzle. All the pieces were cut to size and had the holes drilled in them. Sometimes it took all three of us to read the directions and figure it out. It took several days, but we finally got it finished. Since it doesn't get dark, we were able to work kind of late some nights.We didn't have any trouble with the heat and humidity, but the mosquitoes got out of control a couple of nights when there was no breeze.

One of her sons requested that the deck face the mountains. So when the kids are playing on it, they have an awesome view of the Talkeetna mountains. We went out to eat and to Coldstone Creamery to celebrate completion of the project.

As we finished one night, this squirrel came to visit the bird feeder in one of the trees. He didn't seem to be concerned at all that we were standing right beside him.