July 8 - We drove to Hatcher Pass (north of the Mat-Su valley). We had picked up some sandwiches and drinks before we left town. We went to the top of the pass and on our way back down, we stopped in a pull-out and had lunch as we overlooked the valley below. The other photos were taken from the same locaion as the valley picture. I just turned around to get a panaramic shot of where we were. On the way back down the pass, we stopped at a glacial river. We had seen the glacier earlier, but now could see the melt coming off the glacier. We didn't actually try it, but the water looked cold and clear. During late August, people go to Hatcher Pass and pick blueberries. They grow very large and you can pick lots! Of course, we have been told many times, that the bears like blueberries too and the bears also know that they grow in Hatcher Pass! Hopefully we will go to Hatcher Pass on a day that is not so hazy and I can post another picture that is much clearer than this one.