Monday, July 30, 2007
July 28- Governor's Picnic in Wasilla
July 28 – Governor’s Picnic
We attended the Governor’s Picnic in a park in Wasilla. During the festivities they honored all those who are serving in the military. Our governor, Sarah Palin, had just returned from a trip to Iraq and Germany where she visited with the troops from Alaska. She commented that the troop had left Alaska when it was 40* and were now serving in a location that was 140*. God Bless Them All!
They had lots of booths and events. Martin Buser, a four-time Iditarod winner was there with some of his pups. They certainly were well socialized. The dogs were extremely patient and well mannered, even with all the kids petting them and holding them. The Fish and Wildlife had a booth also. They had several kinds of salmon in their booth and this large king salmon in a cooler outside the booth.